Selling Price -
The Grey Wolf 22BH is a perfect floorplan for someone wanting a smaller trailer without having to give up comfortable sleeping options for the family. Come see this great floorplan and why Grey Wolf has been the top selling brand for so many years.
- 2019
- Forest River
- Cherokee Grey Wolf
- 22BH
- Travel Trailer
- 27’ 6”
- 10’ 5”
- 97”
- 15'
- 485 lbs.
- 2680 lbs.
- 46 gal.
- 74 gal.
- 32 gal.
- 7485 lbs.
- 4767 lbs.
- $13,555.00
- Reno, Nevada
- Pre-Owned
- WM3028A
- 2019
- Forest River
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Grey Wolf 22BH
- 4X4TCKX28K9131287
- Available